Wednesday 5 May 2010

Stanley Kubrick

Today’s blog post is my first of this kind. Being a media student I found I should do personal profiles on film makers, film stars and even just plain films because these are the types of things which interest me. This post is a personal profile of one of my favourite film makers, Stanley Kubrick. I will be writing about his life and basically how he got into film and some of his most famous films.

Stanley Kubrick, born July 26th 1928 in New York City is one of the most accredited film makers in the history of film. Kubrick wasn’t book smart which showed throughout his school career. He attended a local grammar school in New York. Kubrick became an apprentice photographer at the age of 17 which was his first contact with media and the move onto film making followed shortly after.

His first real budget film was a documentary called ‘Day of the Fight’ and this was merely the start of his profound career. His more acclaimed films are ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’, ‘The Shining’ and ‘A Clockwork Orange’. I and many others would class these as groundbreaking films that changed a lot of the ways to approach film-making.

He is also very well known for his cinematography. I think what really makes his films stand out from others is his unique style which is in some ways different to other popular film makers.

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