Thursday 13 May 2010

Edward Zwick

This blog post is about a film-maker who some people who looked at the name wouldn’t know. But with major budget blowing films like ‘Blood Diamond’, ‘The Last Samurai’ and ‘Defiance’ under his directing I thought he would definitely be worth a mention.

Edward Zwick, born 8th October 1952 is an American filmmaker and film producer who has been noticed for his extravagant war films. He was described as "throwback to an earlier era, an extremely cerebral director whose movies consistently feature fully rounded characters, difficult moral issues, and plots that thrive on the ambiguity of authority.” I have seen two of his films ‘Blood Diamond’ and ‘The Last Samurai’ and I fully agree with the statement above. I think ‘Blood Diamond’ is described fully in that one sentence. I think in the whole of Leonardo Di Caprio’s career as an actor Edward Zwick brought his best performance out of him in the film.

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